Chinese convention has I question that if history comes in cycle and how technology could be utilize to create more relationships between us and the past — the past that we are not allowed to look back and tend to wipe out or forget. 
I used DuckDuckGo to scrape 1005+ historical photos of Cultural Revolution:
Since we are not allowed to look back and there is merely any record about that period, I generated a chaotic reel based on the dataset.  

Result of Depth Detection styleGANs in Runway

When I was generating the 1005 photos of historical photos of cultural revolution with the mountains/ nature pictures from Runway's Database, I saw this almost Dali-like surrealistic visual result, which really surprised me:
this is indeed an art work generated by code!

Here is the end result of styleGANs of the relationship between cultural revolution and mother nature:
Then I tried to generate the photos with churches' dataset:
More generating ideas:
I tend to train my own datasets model, but the result did not come out as ideal.
I also want to generate with a dataset based on Chinese antiques x cultural revolution photos; create a style based on the cultural revolution propaganda posters; and 
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